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Recent content by ng270

  1. ng270

    Thoughts on culling bucks with poor genetic potential.

    What is "large" to you? I don't cull bucks, but if I did, I wouldn't consider "culling" 1.5 or 2.5 year olds because it's a total crap shoot. At 1.5: At 2.5: And 3.5: I don't know what he may have become because I couldn't let him walk two weeks after that last pic was taken. I am far...
  2. ng270

    20 years trying to get a tag…..and it happened!!!!

    I carry a tripod for glassing anyway (makes a HUGE difference so worth the weight to me) so I've used it as a rest many times. Never used a bipod, but I don't often find myself in a situation where prone works for me either. I also never shot at any animal beyond 400 yards, so I suppose that...
  3. ng270

    20 years trying to get a tag…..and it happened!!!!

    I recruited my brother and a cousin to go with me. They had never hunted the west so we put them in for easy to draw Wyoming pronghorn tags and planned to stop on the way back so they could hunt. They bought their licenses and bought their own meals on the road, but otherwise they got a free...
  4. ng270

    20 years trying to get a tag…..and it happened!!!!

    I'm late on this one, but congrats on the tag! Those hunts are a ton of fun! I drew the LE any weapon early tag in the neighboring unit to the north a few years back. I had done a bit of western hunting before but never killed an elk. I began applying 19 years before I drew with the...
  5. ng270

    Thoughts on Tree tubes for oak trees

    Yes. Except that my tubes are perforated, so I let the trees split & shed the tubes themselves. I just pick em up when they finally fall off. My tubes had already been used 3-4 years before I got them, then I planted most of these pin oaks 11 years ago. These are along a field edge so I...
  6. ng270

    Coyote with a white tip tail

    More than just the tip.
  7. ng270

    Pears Vs Crabs zone 7

    Kentucky, 6a/6b at my doorstep, this past weekend. Some seedling crabs looked like this: Other seedling crab varieties showed very little bud swell whatsoever. Blue Hill Harvest pears were the farthest along of my pears: (That green in the background is another seedling crab) Olympic pear...
  8. ng270

    Pears Vs Crabs zone 7

    I have a bunch of seedling crabs (no-names) and they vary in how early they push buds and actually break buds. But a few of them are always earlier than any of my pears (8 european varieties, 2 asian). On the other hand I have some crabs that don't break bud until weeks after the first ones...
  9. ng270

    Norway Spruce issues??

    There's lots of this in NC PA under hemlocks. Here's a link from the Wisconsin DNR:
  10. ng270

    Full cash rent or leave standing crops?

    Disclaimer: My approach with my small tillable acreage is not profit-driven. Having the tillable land farmed has a definite positive impact on game populations on my land in the hills of eastern Ky, good farmers do not seem to be in abundance in the area, and I don't "need" the cash rent to...
  11. ng270

    What to do with south-facing terraced, brushy side-bank?

    My house sits on 2 acres, with 1.5 of that wooded. When we moved in 20 years ago the wooded section was full of bush honeysuckle. Figured out what it was about 8 years in and some winters spent some time really hacking it back and treating the stumps with gly like you suggested (straight from...
  12. ng270

    Top 3 pears

    Thanks for the encouragement H20. I do have pruning on this winter's 'to do' list. Last year I tried top working for the first time and that's got its hooks into me so gathering some scions is added incentive for me to do that pruning this season. This past spring I started taking some the...
  13. ng270

    Top 3 pears

    I have a couple of Ryan's Harvest pears, set in 2018 in Kentucky. I don't have time to prune/train/spray, and my clay is not the greatest for growing things, but both have been vigorous growers. They really reach for the sky. First fruit on both was in 2021 when each put on 10-12 pears. Both...
  14. ng270

    The Front 12

    Great buck Pat! Congrats!!