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Recent content by magnus

  1. magnus

    Any paw paw experts? - Transferred from QDMA forums

    I've got 5 paw-paws that are all over 5 years old. Appear to be very healthy....but just no fruit. 2 of them had fruit, one year. That's been it. I have a bunch of other fruit trees that I spray regularly with various fungicide/insecticide blends. I hit the PawPaws as well. Does anyone...
  2. magnus

    Sovran mixing

    I'd keep the Captan in your mix and add Sovran or other fungicides intermittently. But like Maya says, PHI becomes important from about now-on depending on what specific cultivars you have. Lodi and Transparent, for example, could be ready for harvest in 5 weeks or so depending on where...
  3. magnus

    Apple tree pest ID

    In any other fruit trees?
  4. magnus

    Apple tree pest ID

    What specific variety of apple?
  5. magnus

    girdled trees

    For what it's worth......I've never had a mouse-girdled tree when I've kept grasses etc away from the trunk. And I've not used screening on the trunks. Ground herbiciding is very effective not only in preventing this but also in getting maximum growth out of your trees each year.
  6. magnus

    pear seedling leaves turning black?

    Curious to see your pics. Could be pear psylla (insect) that's getting rolling this time of year. Leaves a black exudate on the leaves and can dramatically weaken or kill the tree, especially young one, if not treated.
  7. magnus

    Fireblight, Stoolbeds, and other ramblings

    FB definitely nasty stuff!! Worth spraying your trees with Steptomycin when at-risk conditions present and especially when FB inoculum is known to be when you've had it!! Stuff isn't expensive and works great. Certain varieties definitely more susceptible to FB.
  8. magnus

    Powdery Mildew on Seedling Apple

    Prevention and treatment of these kinds of diseases is part of a regular IPM spray program. If you have access to Rally (DMI fungicide), it's pretty potent on PM. But balanced, regular, spray program that includes insecticide, protectant fungicide (like Captan, or others), and a systemic...