Recent content by kyhunter87

  1. K

    Sodium Selenite

    Here's what I'm thinking: Di-cal 50 pounds Trace Mineral Salt 100 pounds Calcium Carbonate 50 pounds Vitamin A,D E supplement 3-5 pounds Molasses 5 pounds (attractant) Soybean Meal 25 pounds (attractant/protein) Here is the Vitamin A,D,E supplement a local nutritionist told me to add.
  2. K

    Sodium Selenite

    I understand that selenium can be dangerous for deer in large quantities. I am looking to mix it with salt and other minerals and I'm shooting for 8-15 ppm in my mix. With your experience in the dairy industry what mix would you recommend if I'm making my own mineral? I've seen trace mineral...
  3. K

    Sodium Selenite

    Anyone know where I can buy sodium selenite to add to a deer mineral I'm mixing?
  4. K

    Vitamin Supplement to Add to Mineral Mix

    What's the name of the stuff you're buying?
  5. K

    Vitamin Supplement to Add to Mineral Mix

    I'm looking to mix my own mineral and plan to use the common di-cal, trace mineral, rock salt mix. When reviewing a lot of mineral for sale it shows Vitamin A, D, and E as ingredients. Does anyone know a vitamin supplement I can add to my mix to add these? I'm guessing there's something out...
  6. K

    How Old?

    How old is this buck? He has a big body and is noticeably bigger than the buck he is with in the photos. He doesn't have a lot of mass though. I know antlers aren't a good predictor of age. Our management strategy on my farm is to shoot bucks 4.5 and older.
  7. K

    Hack and Squirt to Create Bedding

    I have around 25 acres that I have designated as a sanctuary. Last winter I went in and did come hinge cutting to help thicken it up to create a bedding area. That was a lot of work and wore me out pretty quick working by myself. I was thinking of trying hack and squirt to kill the undesirable...
  8. K

    Welcome QDMA forum users and an announcement

    Coming over from the QDMA forum. Excited to get to know everyone here and learn some more about habitat management.