Recent content by Jlane35

  1. J

    Catscratch House and Habitat build

    Are those dung beetles?
  2. J

    Seed drills before and after

    Im really contemplating buying a NT drill. I think it will save time, and get more seed in the soil instead of sitting on top waiting and hoping for rain. Has anyone regretted purchasing their NT drill?
  3. J

    The Sweet Clover Thread

    Yeah, I really don’t want to spray. SD and I are along the same lines when it comes to no spray food plotting. Luckily he’s done a lot of the hard work and I’m just piggybacking off his success and failures.
  4. J

    The Sweet Clover Thread

    I planted to early this year, just when I could get the drill rental. Ideally, I should plant it around May 15th. So I’m not sure what stage hairy vetch would be in at that time.
  5. J

    The Sweet Clover Thread

    I thought mowing terminates it? And herbicide, which I’m trying to do on a limited basis. The issue, when letting plots mature for throw and mow plots, is its prolific seed production. It is in annual, so mowing it should terminate it.
  6. J

    The Sweet Clover Thread

    I’m trying to figure out what to plant for a cover crop after my Milpa blend. I plan on keeping the same plot as my Milpa blend every year. Would hairy vetch be the ticket? A great nitrogen builder, and no chemicals needed to terminate the crop after planting? At what stage does mowing...
  7. J

    Habitat out loud

    What would rotten wood do for a food plot or garden just laid on the surface?
  8. J

    Habitat out loud

    What variety garlic are you planting? I was doing Music Garlic and it was delicious. I just ran out of room in my garden and stopped planting it.
  9. J

    Blue Hill Nursery Sale

    We contemplated going with a post hole digger, but decided the backhoe was more versatile around the whole property.
  10. J

    Blue Hill Nursery Sale

    I agree, it still took all day to make cages and wrap the trunks in window screen.
  11. J

    Blue Hill Nursery Sale

    This is the first year we had a backhoe attachment for our kubota. I’ll plant 1000 trees with that, no more sore back.
  12. J


    We were in the path of near totality. The schools around here all had a 1/2 day. Unfortunately it was to cloudy and we caught a few seconds here and there as the clouds rolled through.
  13. J

    Blue Hill Nursery Sale

    I spent the extra money on older trees this year. They looked phenomenal and I wish I bought older trees the last few years.
  14. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    That’s a really tough situation you are in. I hope it gets better for you. The electrical backlogs are insane from what I’ve seen. We have installed bottling lines only for the lines to sit idle for months while transformers and electrical equipment is being built. We have switch gear in...
  15. J

    Cell Cam Data Harvesting: Legit concern or not?

    I like your commitment. I agree with pretty much everything you say. I just feel like I’m nothing in the whole picture so it doesn’t matter if I don’t participate, it won’t change anything.