Recent content by Foggy47

  1. Foggy47

    Cuddeback's Cuddelink

    Yep....I can appreciate that there is lots of other to do. In this scenario tho.....maybe Cudde could let the weather station guys design it and partner with them on the marketing of the product. Let someone else do the design work (which may be mostly in place anyway?). Just a...
  2. Foggy47

    Cuddeback's Cuddelink

    John.....Was wondering if anyone offers a weather station to work with Cudde Link? That could be a great product for guys like me that are absent from the land all winter. This is an example of a cellular set up.....but it would be nice if Cudde would integrate it into their system...
  3. Foggy47

    Habitat out loud

    Your sure right about the Birch. If birch is wet for any period of deteriorates very quickly. I really like to burn some birch with oak in my outdoor I covet the birch trees that tip over. When a birch tree tips over.....if I don't get it cut up within a...
  4. Foggy47

    Huge Tractor Tools

    I got some long combination wrenches that go to about 2". Got a 3/4 drive socket set that goes over 2". Impact wrench, jacks of various kinds, pipe wrenches and large crescent wrenches, and a welder. Got a small drill press.....and get by with it. There have been times that I would like...
  5. Foggy47

    Spirits in the Woods ... Anyone else experience these?

    Got some wisdom in my trees down here in OZ. See em?
  6. Foggy47

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    I came across this article on a news site. It's written by the WSJ and claims the President would revanp the the Federal Reserve interest system. Hmmmmm. Interesting. Something needs to be done......but congress is what needs revamping.....IMO. It's clear that some of the systems in...
  7. Foggy47

    Soil fundamentals library

    Evidently more work to do on the no-till efforts up that way.
  8. Foggy47

    This is definitely going to be an interesting year for acorns

    I kinda thought that your land may support lots of burr oak if they were there at one point in time. When I logged my pines several years ago.....I made the logger leave any burr oaks. I was somewhat surprised to find thousands of small burr oaks in my pines.....and logging released those...
  9. Foggy47

    Planting in annual clover?

    Here is the name of the thread: (do a search) Clover outcompetes my efforts for diversity??
  10. Foggy47

    Habitat out loud've got competition on those raised beds.