Just some apple pics

I feel your pain with the birds and the bees. My WilliamsPride went mostly to my chickens as I pitch the damaged ones them. I would say the birds and bees got ...umm 3 dozen whilst I got 1 (dozen). The bluejays start on them even before they seeds are totally dark. The woodpeckers help too. Next year I' going to try to net them. (the trees, not the birds). My Honeycrisps take a pecking too but I have enough to keep me (and them I guess) happy.
Thanks aero. That tree looks great. Was hoping to see a full shot of the growth spread and limbs etc. all my enterprise have the same kind of look that's is different than most other trees, hard to describe it. It's weird how different varieties have such different growth patterns

I agree, the structure of my enterprise really don't look like any of my other trees either. Mine are from Cummins on M111, very vigorous growers and branch out wide and up.