Holy radish

Anytime I plant turnips or radishes for first time at a property I go through in November and dig up some, cut them up and toss back on the ground..seems to encourage them to investigate more so and we've been able to avoid complete ingnoring of them the first year...but definitely that first year can be tough to get them to know what they are.
This is my first year with radishes and sugar beets. I have enough other food plots and natural food on my land that these plots have been totally ignored. I had another friend mention that I should dig some of them up once the growing season is done. That will be later this week which is real late for Central Wisconsin. I just might have to dig up some of them. Seems like a good tip!
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Have anybody have problems with deer eating the PPT & radishes before they mature? I started planting them the couple of years without any success until this year I through out a cage and the PPT are the size of a softball. Looks like I need to cage off a bigger area next year.
I you dig up some PTT for the deer take some home. I like to slice them and fry them like potatoes.

It's a different taste but I like it.
Have anybody have problems with deer eating the PPT & radishes before they mature? I started planting them the couple of years without any success until this year I through out a cage and the PPT are the size of a softball. Looks like I need to cage off a bigger area next year.

All the time. My plot now, is basically just my backup of winter rye and oats. They hit my plants hard about the middle of August, and dont lay off all fall.