Buck down "Not"

Bill, you're a tease! I thought maybe you got a swing at "Lucky". The deer you saw is a nice deer, but nothing like what you know to be out there......or what you know you can grow. This is a case where information and the value of a trail cam come in real handy!

Lucky sure helped. To bad he went nocturnal 3 weeks to soon......
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He looked my way yesterday but apparently didn't get a sniff. Right back this afternoon.
I'm sure I have him on video in 2015. Gotta do some digging when I get home. He likes the grape vine.

Lucky sure helped. To bad he went nocturnal 3 weeks to soon......
Well that sucks he went underground before you got a chance, but at least you know. Maybe he makes a mistake and you get a chance......sometimes that is about what has to happen.....the deer makes a mistake. It would be interesting to know what that trigger is for him to change his pattern. I realize they don't rationalize like we do, but there has to be something that caused this shift that has aided him all this time and there has to be something that tells him "it's time". Funny how a mature old deer like that is like hunting a totally different critter.....
Well that sucks he went underground before you got a chance, but at least you know. Maybe he makes a mistake and you get a chance......sometimes that is about what has to happen.....the deer makes a mistake. It would be interesting to know what that trigger is for him to change his pattern. I realize they don't rationalize like we do, but there has to be something that caused this shift that has aided him all this time and there has to be something that tells him "it's time". Funny how a mature old deer like that is like hunting a totally different critter.....

I have a weird unproven theory on bucks going nocturnal. I agree they can't reason so it's not like they do it based on an if/then argument in their head. (If I stay here until dark, then I won't be killed)

Lucky still passes the same camera it's just after dark now. My theory is he lays down for X hours. That doesn't change but the day light hours get shorter so he's late coming out in realation to daylight, but not really based on time spent in bed. We go through daylight savings time but still keep our sleep pattern. Or very close to the same pattern.

Combine that with the fact that in the summer he has sticks to eat while in the cover and the lush clover in the plot is calling his stomach. This time of year there are tasty acorns all over that delay or even cancel his need for the clover.
Like I said, sheer unproven speculation..

Now if I could just come up with a theory on why they vacation before the rut starts....
Not saying they rationalize precisely as we do, but goodness knows in my neck of the woods I can think of countless triggers a buck could develop over the years as a sign to start hedging his bets by going more nocturnal... shots being fired with dove shoots in nearby fields, increase in gunfire with folks zeroing in rifles, intrusion into edges with stand work, food plot work... those and likely 100 other things we might not even think about, all timed to match other triggers such as drop in temps, acorn drop, etc... again, not saying they rationalize exactly like us but nor are the older guys generally stupid, though as with all males females have a way of getting them in trouble from time to time. Sounds a bit funny saying it, but truly hope you get "Lucky" this year, Bill! :emoji_wink:
I have a weird unproven theory on bucks going nocturnal. I agree they can't reason so it's not like they do it based on an if/then argument in their head. (If I stay here until dark, then I won't be killed)

Lucky still passes the same camera it's just after dark now. My theory is he lays down for X hours. That doesn't change but the day light hours get shorter so he's late coming out in realation to daylight, but not really based on time spent in bed. We go through daylight savings time but still keep our sleep pattern. Or very close to the same pattern.

Combine that with the fact that in the summer he has sticks to eat while in the cover and the lush clover in the plot is calling his stomach. This time of year there are tasty acorns all over that delay or even cancel his need for the clover.
Like I said, sheer unproven speculation..

Now if I could just come up with a theory on why they vacation before the rut starts....
Interesting that you have enough history to at least try to piece together a theory. I typically don;t even get that.....most decent bucks I see, I have never seen before!
I have a weird unproven theory on bucks going nocturnal. I agree they can't reason so it's not like they do it based on an if/then argument in their head. (If I stay here until dark, then I won't be killed)

Lucky still passes the same camera it's just after dark now. My theory is he lays down for X hours. That doesn't change but the day light hours get shorter so he's late coming out in realation to daylight, but not really based on time spent in bed. We go through daylight savings time but still keep our sleep pattern. Or very close to the same pattern.

Combine that with the fact that in the summer he has sticks to eat while in the cover and the lush clover in the plot is calling his stomach. This time of year there are tasty acorns all over that delay or even cancel his need for the clover.
Like I said, sheer unproven speculation..

Now if I could just come up with a theory on why they vacation before the rut starts....

As the season & rut approaches, guys going out to put up stands, check on stands, check cameras, mock scrapes, clear trails & shooting lanes, put the last BOB seed on the food plot, etc., etc., ... more activity, more scent ... all during the daytime.

Pretty easy to see why a mature buck would move more after dark.
It's nice to have the luxury to pass a buck like that. I love N. MO!
It's nice to have the luxury to pass a buck like that. I love N. MO!

That's for sure anywhere else and I'd turning inside out to deflate him.
I think a big part of bucks going nocturnal this time of year has to do with leaves drying up and falling off of trees and plants. With every day that goes by this time of year you can see further and further in the woods. I think it has to do with loss of security.
I am assuming this buck is a homebody on your property? Do you have a strategy for protecting bucks? ( Large centralized winter food plots?)
I am assuming this buck is a homebody on your property? Do you have a strategy for protecting bucks? ( Large centralized winter food plots?)

He has been a home body during the winter and summer but last year he went on vacation from about early October until early December. Not sure of the exact time frame but that sounds about right. After he returned in Dec with a busted antler he didn't venture far. If he ventures out to much this fall he likely won't return. I have like minded neighbors but I doubt they would give him a pass.

No big designated destination plots on my place just a bunch of 1/4 acre to 3 acre plots spread out. I'm sure his range includes at least 2 neighboring properties. I figure I give them good food, good cover and low human pressure. Not much other than building a high fence I can do besides cross my fingers.

I do have plans to try a destination plot next year. I've been letting a neighbor farm a 17 acre field. That's good for me early but after its picked it doesn't help me much.

I may still shoot him if he gets me worked up when he bulks up for rut of he hasn't left. The rush to shoot him just wasn't there this early.
Probably regret that :emoji_sweat: later this fall.

I did tell my son if he lets him walk I'll smack him :)
He has been a home body during the winter and summer but last year he went on vacation from about early October until early December. Not sure of the exact time frame but that sounds about right. After he returned in Dec with a busted antler he didn't venture far. If he ventures out to much this fall he likely won't return. I have like minded neighbors but I doubt they would give him a pass.

No big designated destination plots on my place just a bunch of 1/4 acre to 3 acre plots spread out. I'm sure his range includes at least 2 neighboring properties. I figure I give them good food, good cover and low human pressure. Not much other than building a high fence I can do besides cross my fingers.

I do have plans to try a destination plot next year. I've been letting a neighbor farm a 17 acre field. That's good for me early but after its picked it doesn't help me much.

I may still shoot him if he gets me worked up when he bulks up for rut of he hasn't left. The rush to shoot him just wasn't there this early.
Probably regret that :emoji_sweat: later this fall.

I did tell my son if he lets him walk I'll smack him :)

You know the rule Bill, if he was a pass early season ... never the buck to shoot at the end of the season ... passing on 140+ bucks is hard, only way you get to the bid boys.

Whatever you do ... good luck!
Maybe you're neighbor would farm it on the halves, and leave your half standing.
If i had the luxury of a 3 acre plot I could really gain some deer over winter. How many deer does it take to wipe out a 3 acre plot?

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You know the rule Bill, if he was a pass early season ... never the buck to shoot at the end of the season ... passing on 140+ bucks is hard, only way you get to the bid boys.

Whatever you do ... good luck!

I hear you. I doubt I'll shoot him. I'd be happy if a family member does. Even a neighbor. As long as they are charged up about shooting him. I can't be sure because the 2015 deer had good G2's. But the G3's were as much or better. I think its him. Here was the first time he actually came by, could have got him with sling shot. Honestly not sure where I'm going with with killing bucks??? I'm starting to enjoy the video camera. I don't get bloody and still have the hunt feel.

Maybe you're neighbor would farm it on the halves, and leave your half standing.

He's retiring from farming and introduced me to the guy that is going to lease his place. Just not sure I want to go the ag way anymore. I think I want to play with a big field of corn, beans, clover, beets, brassica's and grains. I'd just like to see that field in January 15 minutes before dark.

If i had the luxury of a 3 acre plot I could really gain some deer over winter. How many deer does it take to wipe out a 3 acre plot?

In the summer I've got 100's of acres of ag around me. When it's all harvested my deer population goes through the roof.

I have plots that get pics of the same 6 does all summer. In Januarry there are 30 deer in there. Come spring green up I got 6.

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I hear you. I doubt I'll shoot him. I'd be happy if a family member does. Even a neighbor. As long as they are charged up about shooting him. I can't be sure because the 2015 deer had good G2's. But the G3's were as much or better. I think its him. Here was the first time he actually came by, could have got him with sling shot. Honestly not sure where I'm going with with killing bucks??? I'm starting to enjoy the video camera. I don't get bloody and still have the hunt feel.

He's retiring from farming and introduced me to the guy that is going to lease his place. Just not sure I want to go the ag way anymore. I think I want to play with a big field of corn, beans, clover, beets, brassica's and grains. I'd just like to see that field in January 15 minutes before dark.

Me too, holy smokes!

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Hasn't departed yet.
I really hope stays close to home this year..

I also hope to get this same pic in three weeks when the neck puffs up.

Bill, looks like you called it last winter, just didnt follow through!


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Bill, looks like you called it last winter, just didnt follow through!]

No, I rolled the dice. I may loose this game. But ya never know, hopefully he's a regular again in January.