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Who's working in the woods this weekend?


5 year old buck +
It's supposed to be a high of 41*F up here in Northern Wisconsin on Saturday. My brother and I are going to do some habitat work hinging trees and marking spots for two new in woods plots. Anyone else planning any outdoor activities?

I think I might hang a cam on a couple of these hinge spots to see how the activity picks up after the browse hits the ground!

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Taking down the last of the tree stands and doing some cutting in bedding areas.
Supposed to be 57 degrees here in my part of Missouri on Friday and 64 on Saturday. I'm hoping to get out Friday and blow the leaves off at least part of my food plot trails provided it's not too wet.

Then on Saturday I'm taking my wife golfing. Last year we played at least one round together each month of the year. Getting a 64 degree in January is a bonus. There's no one I'd rather spend time with than my wife and she lets me do anything I want...but part of the reason I can spend so much time in the woods is because we don't lack for spending time together all year long.
I'm going to be in a tree stand this week still chasing a buck.
As soon as he takes a ride in my truck or season is over I have a few projects I want to work on, cutting a little firewood, putting up wood duck nest boxes, hinging a few maples.
I wish I was, but still have a busted up shoulder, soon as that gets fixed, I have 5 acres to be hinged, and a bunch of firewood to get cut and split!

I am jealous guys! Take pictures!
Yes, taking advantage of the milder weather also. Cutting firewood and hinging maples and ironwood!
Saturday I have a bedroom to paint but I have pines to thin on Sunday. The last three weekends I have been cutting, stump treating and burning an area of Buckthorn that is getting a facelift. I HATE Buckthorn...
Forecast is a high of 60 here on saturday. I need to take down stands and get the saw fired up.....I got some tree tops in a few areas that need attention and then some hinging to do as well. Not sure what I will get to and what I wont. Depends on how crazy the house gets - with a wife and 3 daughter and then the boy will be home from school and his girlfriend being up his butt I'm sure I will have plenty of motivation to get the hell out of the house!!!
Snow is too deep to do anything. Way too deep.
I will be up hinging a few trees as well, and opening up my food plots a bit more. I was planning on buying a new saw this spring, but I am half tempted to get it now, and test it out this weekend.
Sounds like J-bird knows when to get out of Dodge !!
4wanderingeyes - Get the saw. Great time to be cutting !!
I have some pines to drop - blocking sun from some newer apples and crabs. Tallest is about 25 ft., so not too bad.
Sounds like J-bird knows when to get out of Dodge !!
4wanderingeyes - Get the saw. Great time to be cutting !!
I have some pines to drop - blocking sun from some newer apples and crabs. Tallest is about 25 ft., so not too bad.

I'm not as smart as I think I am, but I'm not as dumb as I look either.....wait, what? Uh, yep, I think that's right?!?!?:D
I will be marking a 20 acre section to be hinged when the snow is gone.
It sucks by me. There is 18" of snow on the ground on my land. At home there is hardly any snow. It is all gone.
So if there is that much snow, your muck is obviously frozen, are you getting logged?
So if there is that much snow, your muck is obviously frozen, are you getting logged?

No. Timber values are too low. And mills are near full. F my life

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I was planning on doing some logging this winter, but I just chose to do a little TSI myself, some campfire wood, and some brush piles. Then I can do it the way I want too!
I spent about 4 hours in the woods today. Finished up my can of mixed gas, that brings me to around 3 gallons for the season.

How much snow do you have

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