Upgrading a Maverick XL Blind

This afternoon I was able to find a little time to work on the Maverick XL that will be deployed by an island of oaks overlooking our bean/corn rotation. After mounting the blind to the Nex-Level platform, I installed the carpeting. While carpet is questionable in a blind, I like that is insulates and deadens sound, so I went ahead and put down a traditional green outdoor carpet. The plan is raise the blind 8" (nearly 9’ with the Nex-Level mounts) and leave one side open to allow concealing the e-bike or side-by-side.

The Solar fan (which I noticed was on sale--I should have waited) has been installed. Installation could not have been easier, however, the usefulness of the small solar fan (with battery) is yet to be seen. I am hoping it will reduce fogging during rifle season which always necessitated opening a window. The fan can push or pull, but is not overly powerful.


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Let me know how the windows are and if you have to stand to shoot down say 10 yards out.I'm holding off until you give a review
Buckdeer1, I was doing some “dry runs” inside the blind and am pleased with the new windows. Opening sideways makes a huge difference, and I was able to open them with nary a sound. I believe I could get that 10 yard shot! With nine vertical 10”x22” side opening windows, the blind is well suited for archery.
Good deal,may have to check them out
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Today I built a couple of shelves and added a rifle holder and hangers for bows. On order from Amazon is an inexpensive 12v solar system with battery to power green lights, USB/USB-C ports, a lighter socket outlet and adhesive carpet/sound deadening panels. Once those are installed I will attach the 4x4s and brace the platform prior to moving the blind to its location. Once in place I’ll spray some sealer around the floors and as needed and look forward to the right weather conditions to hunt the blind.