Catscratch House and Habitat build

I don't feel like the north - south distance would make much difference in this case as most things like that are photoperiod triggered. We would be about the same for daylength I would guess. Since those high fence deer have all the nutrition they could ever want for as well, I think that again points to photoperiod triggers.
I often wonder of the two biggest bucks I had on camera this year one shed on January 1st and the other was shed by January 21st. Do they start growing right then? I haven't seen anything close to what I would expect if that were the case. I don't know exactly how that works.

My understanding is that the dramatic hormone swings are what cause the biggest bucks to shed earlier than the smallest bucks. I don't think whitetails start growing antlers until the end of March in most of their range.

You should see the red deer where I live. The big boys lost their antlers 3 or 4 weeks ago, and they have around 5-6 inches of growth so far. The stags about 3 years old and under still have their antlers.