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  1. S

    Your best fall mix?

    The radishes did really well that year, as did the japanese millet.
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    Your best fall mix?

  3. S

    Help with interpreting soil tests

    Can you get free compost from the county compost facility? I threw out some compost in a couple of my bad areas last year and the clover is doing really well in those spots.
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    Research on planting techniques

    🤣🤣🤣 Tillage and herbicide are "natural" methods for weed and pest management?! 🤣🤣🤣
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    Encouraging Article on CWD in Missouri

    Random distribution isn't as scattered as people like to think. Clustering happens in sets of random distribution. Then considering that they were friends, they likely participated in other activities together, though none of those activities are listed. Perhaps they worked at the same slaughter...
  6. S

    Bag spreader

    Does anyone know what earthway changed on the bag spreader to make it worth 20 dollars more or is it just that their name is on the bag now instead of the plastic base? If there's no real difference I'll likely try and get one of the old ones while they're still available.
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    Encouraging Article on CWD in Missouri

    He died, if it was indeed cwd. My question is, what else did these two friends do together that could explain their illnesses? Seems to me that the author never asks this very simple question.
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    Bag spreader

    Get rid of the goofy vertical plastic pieces in the bag. Cut the bottom off a five gallon pail. Slide it into the bag and fill. Then slip out the pail and you're off to the races.
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    Habitat out loud

    SD, what seeding rate do you generally aim for with your japanese millet?
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    Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

    Weird how these conspiracy theories keep proving true. Almost like the real conspiracy is the cover-up.
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    Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

    I always knew cats were out to get us.
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    Open Fields Doctrine

    He is arguing his case under the constitution of the state of Louisiana which lists property as one of the items protected against unreasonable search or seizure, according to the article.
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    Minnesota: Hunters for Hunters

    What in this incident makes this guy a hunter? At no time do they say he was hunting, but they still refer to him as a hunter repeatedly. The only thing they list is that he had purchased fishing and hunting licenses previously. If he made himself a pot of coffee in the morning would they call...
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    Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

    Had a school teacher that loved to tell us that lottery is just a tax on people that are bad at math.
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    Habitat out loud

    Thanks for sharing. What is that tall fencing you're using?
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    Video Series On Biochar

    If all you have is mud and time...
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    Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

    My point is that codifying what is happening so that you can call it legal, and then allocating funds to support it, does nothing to solve the problem. If anything, it makes it worse, because once government has something they are quite reluctant to let it go.
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    Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

    I guess I just disagree with your assessment of the war funding bill that had some immigration stuff in it. It basically made legal what was already happening and supplied more funding. That is not fixing the problem, in my opinion.
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    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    In Minnesota, you can discharge a firearm anywhere on a WMA unless specifically prohibited on that WMA. The 500 foot setback does not apply to WMA's in Minnesota.
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    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    If you own the land, and are not restricted by other governmental regulations, you can discharge a firearm anywhere on your property in the state of Minnesota.