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  1. J

    Fighting RCG (Reed Canary Grass)

    The rye you have is rye grass? winter rye? Looks like rye grass to my failing eyesight.
  2. J

    Seed drills before and after

    I'm with you there. One year I broadcasted 1500 pounds of seed by hand on 11 acres with a 5 gallon pail in one hand throwing out seed like I was feeding the chickens with the other. I couldn't do that now if I wanted to.
  3. J

    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    LOVE THE SHIRT! I want one.
  4. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    I'm down right now on it myself. I thought I had the jinx ability. My average price on TELL is 52 cents so I'm hanging on waiting for the rebound but I think I'm going to buy some more and get my average price down a little bit.
  5. J

    Bought Anything Lately That Met Your Expectations?

    I will give the EGO brand a plug here too. Everything I have bought from them has worked great with fast chargers and good battery life.
  6. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    On a side note please don't take what I say about any stocks as if I have some kind of inside information or it's a can't lose type of deal. I'm just saying what I've been lucky on as far as stocks making me a profit. I would feel crappy if someone bought on my recommendation and it didn't work...
  7. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    If you own AGNC by 5-31(tomorrow) you will get the dividend on June 11th.
  8. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    AGNC has been ok for me and has a dividend that pays monthly at about 14-15%. Building that one up to let the dividend reinvest(DRIP) keep growing.
  9. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    It all comes down to the price you got it for. My last round of TELL I got in for 43 cents a share and sold blocks of it on the way up to 60 cents. It has been anywhere from 40 cents to close to a dollar in the last 6 months.
  10. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    Lots of stories about the future for them. Some good and some bad. I've just been playing them lately. Watched them for a couple of years now. Yesterday it went up 6 or 7 cents and today it dropped about 8 cents. Might go down again for another day before it goes back up if the pattern...
  11. J

    how to repel wild turkeys

    Saw somewhere that someone was using the shiny aluminum pie tins to keeps things away from their garden I believe. Hanging from branches or stakes blowing in the wind.
  12. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    I myself do think it will take back off after we get a president that isn't trying to ban natural gas. I've been playing the ups and downs on this one for a while now. Right now it's down so I'm buying a bunch more. Just got done making about 7k off this in the last couple of weeks. I'm going to...
  13. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    Hearing the optimistic guys talking about it hitting $1,000 again after it splits which would be phenomenal. I currently don't own any but had it on my watchlist a few years ago at under $20 a share. Talk about regret.
  14. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    NVDA splits x 10 in about a week. Right now TELLurian is at a pretty good price to buy.
  15. J

    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    I could see it going wrong in several different ways.
  16. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    I'm hoping they do.
  17. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    To verify that's true I'll need the name of your bank and account number. Just to be sure.
  18. J

    Winter Disk or Spray in the Spring?

    If you are broadcasting the seeds you can go about twice that. When I seed clover and chicory I go roughly 3-4 times the amount of chicory to clover because eventually the clover will out compete the chicory and will be mostly a clover field. Go heavy on the chicory and it will take a few more...