Recent content by Catscratch

  1. Catscratch

    Cleaning and freezing catfish?

    I've had people tell me that they don't like the big ones, then turn around and tell me the 50lb flathead I just fed them was the best crappie they've ever eaten. I think if prep'd well and cooked right they ate all good.
  2. Catscratch

    Arrowhead and other historic/pre-historic collections

    Don't know what it is but I'm jealous!
  3. Catscratch

    Chiggers and Ticks

    Permethrin treat my clothes. Treat my yard (this does wonders). Only do forest work in the winter.
  4. Catscratch

    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    I think it averages from around 60k to 200k.
  5. Catscratch

    Cleaning and freezing catfish?

    What size ya expecting sd? I don't fillet the smaller channels but leave them on the spine instead.
  6. Catscratch

    Cleaning and freezing catfish?

    Ikeman and I think a lot alike!
  7. Catscratch

    Cleaning and freezing catfish?

    I bleed them by hanging from their lip then cutting the tail off. Gravity helps drain put what the heart doesn't pump out. Trim ALL red meat out. Wash fillets several times. Put in bowl of salt water in fridge ASAP. Freeze the next day in water filled ziplock bags.
  8. Catscratch

    Chiggers and Ticks

    They both SUCK!
  9. Catscratch

    Uncatagorized.....things we see....

    Google "civil war musket ball" and go to images. Some look very similar. Might be worth finding an expert or joining a forum that deals with that sort of thing to ask questions. Might be a pretty cool find!
  10. Catscratch

    Arrowhead and other historic/pre-historic collections

    Sometimes the big ones are "preforms". They make traveling, trading, and storage easier. Might be that?
  11. Catscratch

    New House Build

    So awesome! Keep up the updates!
  12. Catscratch

    New York City?

    Yep. Crazy the court and judge, governor. It's all so crooked.
  13. Catscratch

    Tool'n Knife Builds

    Nice!!! I like those!
  14. Catscratch

    The Throw n’ Mow Method

    Seems like it's been a while since this thread was used so I'll throw in a little plot I did this weekend. Full disclosure; I disced this plot this spring, then let it grow up in weeds. Last night I sprayed gly. This morning I spread seed right before a rain. Unfortunately the little seed...
  15. Catscratch

    Weather getting angry this evening

    Good luck!!! We had some wicked stuff around last night. The kind of weather that gives ya the creeps and just plain feels heavy. Had the "DVD sized hail" warning. I'd never heard that one before.